How to choose the right ESD flooring
In previous instalments of our series, we’ve discussed why companies should address ESD issues and how they should equip their EPA premises. Today, we’re going to focus on choosing the right flooring to meet European regulatory requirements and efficiently dissipate electrical charge.
Why flooring?
As we pointed out in a previous article, a functional floor is a vital element in the fight against ESD. The investment in functional ESD flooring is not negligible, often reaching a significant sum. That’s why it’s so important to choose reliable, proven flooring that will serve for years to come without problems. So, how to make the right choice?
What kind of flooring?
There are many types of flooring on the market that help to dissipate electrical charge. The reference standard that helps to orientate the choice of flooring and that sets requirements for the protection of electrical components is EN 61340-5-1. This imposes criteria upon manufacturers that flooring must meet in order to effectively dissipate electrical charge.
Functional parameters
One of these is the resistance to ground point, which for qualifying floors must be Rgp < 1 × 109 Ω, i.e. less than 1 gigaohm.
Here, however, it must be taken into account that the floor is always part of the electrical power dissipation system in, for example, an EPA. Thus it is advisable and recommended that the electrical resistance be tested not only on the floor but in the system. In this case, that consists of the person performing an activity on the floor, the ESD footwear worn by that person, and the floor itself. Here we would test what is known as system resistance. This is also specified in EN 61340-5-1.
The standard specifies that system resistance measured per EN 61340-4-5 is Rg < 1 × 109 Ω while the voltage generated on the human body must be < 100 V. This ensures that the charge is properly led and also ensures that human movement does not generate a charge higher than 100 V, which could damage electronic components.
Quality guarantee
When choosing flooring it is important to request a technical data sheet from the manufacturer declaring that information. You should not just settle for the stated values though. Ask the manufacturer for a certificate from an independent testing laboratory to confirm these values. Only in this way can you be sure that the flooring will work as it should.
Types of flooring
How to choose the right kind of flooring for your space? Here is an overview of several flooring types, comparing advantages and disadvantages.
1. Acrylic ESD coatings
These are used as a temporary conductive layer at individual workplaces or EPA premises. It is a relatively cheap solution, but of course it is not for long-term use. It has to be refreshed every several years.
- Low cost
- Difficult application
- Short service life
- Decreased ability to dissipate electrical charge over time
- Low durability
The cost for acrylic coatings is roughly 125 CZK incl. VAT per m2.
2. Epoxy ESD flooring
Epoxy coatings are popular for their good looks. It is an attractive solution that is also 100% waterproof and impermeable. But that has its price. Epoxy application is no simple task and can be done only by experienced professionals. In the case of floor renovations, the entire space must be emptied before application. Removing imperfections resulting from amateur application is quite complicated and often requires sanding and reapplication. It is also not as durable as other types of flooring. The higher price of application may also be a deterrent. The floor cannot be dismantled in the event of moving operations.
- Good looks
- Waterproof and 100% water impermeable
- Difficult to work with
- Higher costs associated with the application
- Lower durability
- Difficult to repair local damage
- Cannot be moved to another location
- Perfectly flat floor required for application
- Primer must be applied on the original substrate
The approximate cost of materials and labour associated with application is around 2,000 CZK per m2 (materials – 30 kg package priced 9,500 CZK incl. VAT covers 10 m2; labour approx. 1,000 CZK per m2).
3. ESD linoleum
Linoleum is a material that nearly everyone is familiar with. It is normally sold in rolls of 2 x 20 m and is applied to the substrate with adhesive. It comes in a broad range of decors and is waterproof though not entirely waterproof. It is used in hospitals, operating theatres.
- Broad range of decors
- Higher durability
- Water resistance
- Demanding installation
- High maintenance
- Requires adhesive
- Difficult to repair local damage
- Requires flat floor surface
- Cannot be moved
The cost for this material is around 1000 CZK incl. VAT per m2. Additional cost of glue must be taken into account.
4. PVC ESD tiles
In recent years, ESD tiles have grown in popularity. Their simple installation has won them many fans. Installation does not require gluing, the surface does not have to be 100% flat and practically anyone can do it. They are very durable, in case of damage a bad tile can be quickly and easily replaced, and they reduce noise. On the other hand, they do not come in such a range of decors and only basic colours are available.
- Quick, easy installation,
- Increased chemical and mechanical durability
- Can be applied in stages during normal operations
- Easy maintenance and cleaning
- Easily dismantled and relocated if operations are moved
- Noise reduction
- Conductivity throughout the thickness of the material (usually 7 mm)
- Anti-slip design
- Long-term warranty (up to 12 years for Fortelock tiles)
- Lifetime up to 25 years
- Limited range of colours – basic only
- Guide strip must be applied
- Higher cost
The cost for PVC ESD tiles is around 2,500 CZK per m2. The advantage of this solution is that no further costs are incurred for additional material or installation – anyone can do it. And for renovations, it saves the huge cost of vacating the space, which is necessary with other solutions. Here you can lay tiles while operations are in full swing.
When selecting a floor, various parameters must be taken into account. Whether it’s costs, durability, warranty or whether it’s a new space or a renovation, it’s always important to remember that, especially for flooring, it’s always better to invest in quality flooring than to deal with problems that arise later on. These are very difficult to eradicate after the fact.
Tip: Maintenance
Maintenance plays an extremely important role in the case of ESD flooring and should never be underestimated. Because generated voltage goes from the person through their shoes and the floor to the grounding point, it is vital that the floor be free of dirt and grime at all times. These inhibit the conductivity of the system and can cause higher resistance or even degradation of the entire system.
We recommend cleaning the floor daily, or at least once a week. Only products that are designed to clean ESD flooring should be used. These are special cleaners that leave no coating or wax on the floor. Equally important is a thorough cleaning after installation to help remove contaminants picked up during manufacturing, transport and installation.
Contact our experts for more information, technical specifications or an individual offer. We are ready to help you find the best floor solution to meet the specific requirements of your industrial space.